In Part-03 of this article series, we added support for uploading files using k6. In this post, we all add assertions (also known as checks) and also see how to add Custom Metrics to the existing framework.
In Part-02 of this article series, we saw how to add support for managing multiple configs and environments. In this article, we will dive into uploading files which is a key component for
Now in this article, we will shape our current k6 load-testing-framework project into something more.. (adding a target website and adding multiple configs support😉)
Welcome to yet another article series, where I build a Testing Framework from scratch, based on my learnings and hands-on trials and tribulations. This time this testing framework is based on the tool that tackles Load Testing k6.
In this article, we will add few remaining things such as multiple environment support, better run commands, add logs (using addContext()), xpath support dependencies