How to sell drugs online faster with

With Season 3 of the Netflix tv series How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) out, we see that protagonist/antagonist Moritz is under the stress to release version 2.0 of the online e-commerce drugs website MyDrugs. We can see several times during the 1st episode of Season 3 that Moritz is desperately trying to run tests on his Vue component build and failing miserably to get an adequate percentage of tests passing.
That's pretty great for which is the open-source test tool built for all, and everyone likes it. Having established its dominance over the past years in developer and QA communities. Cypress being featured in coming of age, teen comedy-drama built around start-up ecosystem is pretty great for the company though.
PS - I am in no way affiliated with Cypress or Netflix. Thoughts and views I share on this blog are my own.